IlI. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentencepatterns in bold.
1) is that we can't find enough foreign markets
2) is that without democracy there is no harmonious society
3 ) is that we should allow students more freedom
4) is not strong enough to send him to prison5) reliable enough to be her husband
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Unit 4二、课文精解
Text B
1.she began to redden her lips and ran a comb through her hair : run a comb through one 's hair指“用梳子给自己梳头发”。例如:The beautiful girl who has long hair always runs a comb throughher beautiful hair。那位美丽的姑娘长着一头漂亮的秀发,她经常用梳子梳理她美丽的秀发。
2. She felt a terror slowly rising up inside herself : rise up表示“上升,升起”,例如︰Theballoon rose up slowly into the air.气球缓缓升上天空。
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Unit 6二、课文精解
4.And, even if you live up to your commitment, there is no guarantee that the bird will survive :live up to表示“符合﹔遵守;做到;不辜负”,例:One ought to live up to what he knows to beright.自己认为是对的,就应该在生活中去实践。there is no guarantee that..指“不能、无法保证...”,例如:There is no guarantee that they are not lying.无法保证他们没有说谎。
5.Parent birds do it all as a matter of course, but a human parent will have to drop other activitiesfor a period of weeks and perhaps install a screened porch or aviary to do the job right : as amatter of course表示“理所当然的(事);自然地”,例:As a matter of course, he was electedmonitor.他当选为班长是理所当然的事。drop other activities指“停止其他活动”,drop在句中表示“停止;放弃”,例:He was told to drop the idea.他被告知要打消那个主意。a screenedporch or aviary用网眼纱隔离的阳台或蜂房。
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