查看完整版: 新视野大学英语3课后题答案及翻译
Unit 1
deviate [5di:vieit] vi. 脱离;越轨
vt. 使偏离
【例句】I will never deviate for what I believe to be right. 我绝不会背离我自认为正确的道路。
【词组】deviate from 偏离;脱离
preclude [pri5klu:d] vt. 排[消]除;预防,阻止
【例句】My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car. 按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。
【词组】preclude from阻止;妨碍
【派生】preclusion n. 排除;阻止;妨碍;预防
premier [5premjE] adj. 首相的;首要的,最初的,第一的
n. 首相,总理
【例句】The death of the premier was reported in the newspapers. 总理的逝世的消息已在各报纸上报道了。
whereby [(h)wZE5bai] adv. 靠那个,凭借那个,借以
【例句】There is a way whereby he can be saved. 有一个可以使他得救的办法。
civic [5sivik] adj. 市的,市民的,公民的
【例句】It’s a civic pride to have a champion.拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。
patriotic [7pAtri5Ctik] adj. 爱国的,有爱国心的,显示爱国精神的
【例句】He is very patriotic. 他非常爱国。
【派生】patriot n. 爱国者
clear-cut adj. 轮廓鲜明的;清晰的
inhibit [in5hibit] vt. 抑制,约束,抑制;禁止,阻止
【例句】Shyness inhibited him from speaking. 他因害羞而说不出来话。
【词组】inhibit sb. from sth./doing sth. 阻止…做某事
【派生】inhibitory adj. 禁止的,抑制的
inhibition n. 抑制;压抑;禁止
scholarly [5skRlElI] adj. 学者气质的,学者风度的;博学的
【例句】It is a commercial book, not a scholarly tome. 这是一本以赚钱为目的,而不是学术性的书籍。
idiot [5idiEt] n. 白痴,愚人,傻瓜
【例句】I’ve left my suitcase in the train, what an idiot I am!我把提箱忘在火车上,我真是个糊涂虫!
bypass [5baipB:s; (?@) 5baipAs] n. 旁路,支路
vt. 忽视,回避;迂回,绕过;为…加设旁道
【例句】If we take the bypass we’ll avoid the town centre. 我们走旁道,就能避开市镇的中心。
persecution [7pE:si5kju:FEn] n. 迫害,烦扰
【例句】In its more extreme forms persecution mania is a recognized form of insanity.如果被迫害妄想症发展到比较极端的一种形式的话,它就会被视为一种精神病。
misfortune [mis5fC:tFEn] n. 不幸,灾祸,灾难
【例句】He is always ready to help people in misfortune. 他总是乐于帮助遭厄运的人。
glamour/glamor [5^lAmE] n. 魅力,吸引力
【例句】She added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress. 她换上一件漂亮衣服,增添了一分魅力。
【词组】cast a glamour over 使迷住,迷住(某人);给…增添几分魅力
glamourous [`^lAmErEs] adj. 富有魅力的,美丽动人的
【例句】Do you still think there’s glamourous in the advertising business? 你是否还认为广告具有诱惑力?
tragic [5trAdVik] adj. 悲惨的,悲剧的
n. (文艺作品或生活中的)悲剧因素,悲剧风格
【例句】It’s tragic that he died so young. 他英年早逝,实在是可悲。
【派生】tragical adj. 悲剧的;悲剧性的;悲惨的;不幸的
spur [spE:] n. 剌激物,刺激
v. 鞭策,驱策;刺激,疾驰
【例句】What spurred her to do that? 是什么促使她那么干的?
【词组】spur (to sth.) 激励因素;刺激;鞭策
win one’s spurs 立大功,扬名
spur on 驱使;鼓励;飞驰
optimism [5CptimizEm] n. 乐观,乐观主义
【例句】He was still full of optimism for the future despite his many problems.他尽管有许多问题,但对未来十分乐观。
【词组】a mood of optimism乐观的气氛
dedication [7dedi5keiFEn] n. 奉献;献身;建筑物落成典礼;献词
【例句】I shall take on the work with humility and dedication.我要以谦逊和献身的精神,从事我的工作。
commend [kE5mend] v. 推荐;表扬,称赞;把…委托给
【例句】His work was highly commended. 他的工作备受赞赏。
【派生】commendation n. 推荐;赞扬;奖状
Understanding the Text
1.Churchill achieved fame because he had wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.
2. During their childhood,both of them were considered by their teachers to have learningdifficulties, but later they conquered the prejudice against them and made impressive achievementsthat benefit the entire world.
3.A strong will enabled him to succeed.
4.It means to stay focused on the end result and not let small problems get in the way of goodresults.
5. They achieved prosperity because they possessed a fierce will to overcome obstacles,to keeppreparing and working and a passion to succeed.
6.She was rejected by the law firms because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather thanrisk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.
7.Persistence leads to success. We should never give up on our dreams, and one day can besuccessful or even change the world.
查看完整版: 新视野大学英语3课后题答案及翻译
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