第1章语言学导论Duality (二重性)
Duality refers to ‘the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primarylevel are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of two levels has its ownprinciples of organization.”(Lyons,1981:20) The property of duality only exists in the systemwith both elements (e.g.sounds,letters) and units (e.g. words).Primary units 'words'(meaningful)consist of secondary units ‘sounds'(meaningless).
查看完整版: 胡壮麟《语言学教程》第五版重点知识点及历年真题答案
VI.Important concepts and their distinctions (重要概念及其区分)
Descriptive vs. Prescriptive(描写式与规定式)
Linguistics takes a descriptive approach to language: it tries to explain things as they actually are,not as we impose upon them other rules.Prescriptive linguistics aims to lay down rules about howa language should be used instead of how it is actually used.The distinction lies in describing howthings are and prescribing how things ought to be.
查看完整版: 胡壮麟《语言学教程》第五版重点知识点及历年真题答案