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查看完整版: 新视野大学英语4第三版读写教程答案


Unit 1



fallacy [5fAlEsin. 谬论,谬误推理

【例句】It’s a fallacy to suppose that wealth brings happiness. 认为财富能带来幸福,这是一种错误的见解。

pact [pAktn. 契约;协定;条约

【例句】The two parties have signed an electoral pact. 两个党签订了一个有关选举的协议。

shrewd [Fru:dadj. 机灵的,敏锐的;精明的

n. 机灵(的人)

【例句】He’s a shrewd judge of other people’s ability. 他是个能够辨别他人才能的精明的行家。

【词组】be shrewd in 在……方面机灵

【派生】shrewdly adv. 精明干练地;机灵地;刁钻地

shrewdness n. 精明;机灵

well-off [5wel5C:fadj. 顺利的,走运的,手头宽裕的,繁荣昌盛的

【例句】Fools never know when they are well off. 人若愚痴,有福不知。

【搭配】Well-off Society小康社会;小康

dye [dain. 染料;染色

vt. 染

【例句】They used only natural pigments to dye the wool. 他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。

makeup [`meikQpn. 化妆品;组成;补充;补考

【例句】Too much makeup looks unnatural. 化妆太浓看上去不自然。

elite [ei5li:tn. 掌权人物;实力集团;出类拔萃者

【例句】The army was controlled by a small elite of officers. 军队由军官中的少数精英控制。

radiant [5reidjEntadj. 辐射的,发光的;光辉灿烂的;容光焕发的

【例句】The sun is a radiant body. 太阳是一个发光体。

counterpart [5kauntEpB:tn. 配对物;副本;对手

【例句】Canada’s Prime Minister is the counterpart of the U.S. President. 加拿大总理相当于美国总统。

Understanding the Text1
1. The deal between them is that the narrator gives Rob his leather jacket,and Rob, in exchange,gives the narrator his girlfriend. They make the deal because they want to get something from eachother: Rob is crazy about fashion, and he wants to own the narrator's fashionable leather jacket;the narrator longs to have a beautiful girlfriend, and Rob's girlfriend is beautiful.
2. He thinks a beautiful and well-spoken girlfriend will assist him to land a job and achievesuccess in an elite law company.
3.The narrator feels this way because he can't stop thinking that his purpose of dating Polly is notfor romance bur for improving her intelligence, and he can't let Polly know his plan.
4.The narrator decides to teach Polly logic because he believes logic is essential for clear thinking.By teaching Polly logic,he can make her intelligent.
5. When the narrator teaches her logic,Polly responds either shortly with“cool”"great”"Il likethat idea", or simply with nodding or blinking without saying anything. These responses give us animpression that Polly is a nice but rather simple-minded girl.
6.Yes.He is only too successful in teaching Polly logic because in the end when he asks Polly tobe his girlfriend, Polly refuses his request by applying all the logical fallacies he has taught her.7.Because he wants to make one more attempt to win Polly as his girlfriend by asking her toforget what he has taught her.

查看完整版: 新视野大学英语4第三版读写教程答案

