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查看完整版: 新视野大学英语3课后题答案解析


Understanding the Text
1.Churchill achieved fame because he had wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.
2. During their childhood,both of them were considered by their teachers to have learningdifficulties, but later they conquered the prejudice against them and made impressive achievementsthat benefit the entire world.
3.A strong will enabled him to succeed.
4.It means to stay focused on the end result and not let small problems get in the way of goodresults.
5. They achieved prosperity because they possessed a fierce will to overcome obstacles,to keeppreparing and working and a passion to succeed.
6.She was rejected by the law firms because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather thanrisk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.
7.Persistence leads to success. We should never give up on our dreams, and one day can besuccessful or even change the world.

查看完整版: 新视野大学英语3课后题答案解析

