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大学生英语竞赛c类 c_全国大学生英语竞赛c类快递

  1. If you don’t like the situation, don’t just ______ up with it. Do something to change it.

  A. make

  B. pick

  C. put

  D. take


查看完整版:  2022年全国英语竞赛大学生试题及答案下载

  2. _____ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.

  A. As for

  B. Besides

  C. Despite

  D. Even if


  3. Wuthering Heightsand Jane Eyrewere written by which of the following authors?______.

  A. Emily Bronte

  B. Charlotte Bronte

  C. Emily Bronte and Charlotte Bronte respectively.

  D. Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte respectively.



查看完整版:  2022年全国英语竞赛大学生试题及答案下载
