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Unit 1
fallacy [5fAlEsi] n. 谬论,谬误推理
【例句】It’s a fallacy to suppose that wealth brings happiness. 认为财富能带来幸福,这是一种错误的见解。
pact [pAkt] n. 契约;协定;条约
【例句】The two parties have signed an electoral pact. 两个党签订了一个有关选举的协议。
shrewd [Fru:d] adj. 机灵的,敏锐的;精明的
n. 机灵(的人)
【例句】He’s a shrewd judge of other people’s ability. 他是个能够辨别他人才能的精明的行家。
【词组】be shrewd in 在……方面机灵
【派生】shrewdly adv. 精明干练地;机灵地;刁钻地
shrewdness n. 精明;机灵
well-off [5wel5C:f] adj. 顺利的,走运的,手头宽裕的,繁荣昌盛的
【例句】Fools never know when they are well off. 人若愚痴,有福不知。
【搭配】Well-off Society小康社会;小康
dye [dai] n. 染料;染色
vt. 染
【例句】They used only natural pigments to dye the wool. 他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。
makeup [`meikQp] n. 化妆品;组成;补充;补考
【例句】Too much makeup looks unnatural. 化妆太浓看上去不自然。
elite [ei5li:t] n. 掌权人物;实力集团;出类拔萃者
【例句】The army was controlled by a small elite of officers. 军队由军官中的少数精英控制。
radiant [5reidjEnt] adj. 辐射的,发光的;光辉灿烂的;容光焕发的
【例句】The sun is a radiant body. 太阳是一个发光体。
counterpart [5kauntEpB:t] n. 配对物;副本;对手
【例句】Canada’s Prime Minister is the counterpart of the U.S. President. 加拿大总理相当于美国总统。
pearl [pE:l] n. 珍珠;珍品,人杰;珠状物
adj. 镶有珍珠的;珍珠状的
【例句】Her ring had pearls on it. 她的戒指上有珍珠。
banner [5bAnE(r)] n. 旗帜;横幅
v. 以通栏大字标题在报纸上发表(某个故事或某条消息)
【例句】The denial was bannered by the People’s Daily. 《人民日报》用横贯全页的大标题报道了那项否认。
【词组】under the banner of在……的旗帜下
situated [ 5sitjueitid ] adj. 位于,被置于……境遇,处于……的立场
【例句】The village is situated in a valley. 那个村子在山谷里。
【词组】be situated on 位于
expressway [Ik5spresweI] n. 高速公路
【例句】A toll is charged for the use of the expressway.那条高速公路需付通行费。
venue [5venju:] n. 集合地点;会议地点;审判地;犯罪地点;发生地点
【例句】Address any quire about the venue to the conference organizer.向会议组织者提出任何有关集会地点的询问。
luminous [5lju:minEs] adj. 发光的,明亮的;清楚的
【例句】①The heavens were placid, but still luminous with the light at the retreating sun.天空一片宁静,夕阳染得天际色彩斑斓。
②His prose is simple and luminous and quite popular among ordinary readers.他的散文简明易懂,很受一般读者欢迎。
stereo [5stiEriEu] n. 立体声音响
adj. 立体声的
【例句】We have a great stereo set. 我们有一个很好的立体声装置。
pedal [5pedl] n. 踏板
v. 踩踏板,骑自行车
【例句】One of the pedals has come off my bicycle. 我那自行车的踏脚板有一个已脱落。
gum [^Qm] n. 树胶;口香糖,泡泡糖;胶水
v. 粘合
【例句】His pocket was all gummed up with candy. 他的口袋全被糖粘住了。
【词组】gum up搞乱;把事情搞糟;使出毛病
staple [5steipl] n. 钉书针,钉;主要产品(或商品);主食
adj. 主要的,基本的
v. 用钉固定;把……钉在一起
【例句】She stapled the papers together. 她用钉书钉把文件钉在一块。
distort [dis5tC:t] vt. 扭曲;使失真;曲解
vi. 扭曲;变形
【例句】This journalist distorted the spokesman’s remarks. 这名记者曲解了该发言人的话。